Today's aim was to complete some outstanding tasks from last time and also progress some others. Jim, Dave and Kris set about positioning the 2nd air tank frame so it could be welded in position on B end frames. This also involved moving one of the tanks out of the way and the use of a trolley jack to take the weight of the other while the frame was moved.
Jim and Dave setting the 2nd air tank frame | Set and secured ready for welding |
Rob & Chris set about opening out the holes in the main brake shaft by 0.5mm so they will accept the dogbone pins. This took them a while using a 90-degree drill and small grinding stones with regular measurement checks. Once done, the brake rigging was disconnected from the shaft so it could be wound fully back to get the dogbones into the cylinder. With the bones in and pinned up, the rigging was reconnected and then the handbrake adjusted.
Rob test fitting one of the pins | Dog bone fitted to the shaft and brake cylinder | Chris adjusting the handbrake linkage |
Jason was given the task of permanently bolting down the compressor frame, access was limited to say the least, but he managed and ticked off another job done. Jason then joined Kris securing the brake frame with new bolts, access posed a few challenges here too.
Kris fitting new bolts to secure the brake frame | Bolts now in position and fitted |
Alan was busy terminating wires and cable on the A end to the oil priming pump and various other items including the fire detectors. Jim and Dave welded the 2nd air tank frame into position and made the air tanks safe so that D9531 can be shunted if necessary.
That was pretty much the day! Again lots more progress made.
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